︎︎︎ book


Art in public space Vol. 1
Art in Public Space (Volume I) is a collection of publications that aims to bring together a set of works created and disseminated throughout the territory of Maia, launching dialogues between the city and the different artistic practices that occur there.

This first volume is dedicated to the representation and interpretation of a selection of 60 sculptures and installation works, designed between the 19th century and the year 2022.

We intended to build visual links and comparative analyses that allow extended readings about the works of art in Maia's public space by utilizing the capability of graphic design tools in the depiction and understanding of data gathered throughout the investigation.

Alongside this research, all the selected sculptures were scanned and 3D printed (in collaboration with Daniel Duarte Pereira), creating an exhibition that brought another existence to all the two-dimensional printed materiality of this book.

ISBN 978-972-8315-84-9

Shortlisted for the DGLAB - Book Design Award 2023, representing Portugal for the Best book design from all over the world, promoted by the German entity Stiftung Buchkunst. 

Client: Municipality of Maia
Editorial Concept + Design in collaboration
with Ana Resende
Assisted by Nilza Lello & Ema Pinto Oliveira


Address ︎︎︎ Rua José Falcão, 156 Sala 3, 4050-035 Porto, Portugal
Odisseu is Luís Sousa Teixeira
We are creatures of the wind
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Address ︎︎︎ Rua José Falcão, 156 Sala 3, 4050-035 Porto, Portugal