︎︎︎ Identity


Similar to color, knowledge has a range of richness and depth. The knowledge we gain paints the canvas of our thoughts, just as the hues in a picture may evoke feelings and tell intricate narratives. It varies from the striking, vivacious reds of enthusiastic discovery to the peaceful, contemplative blues.

The surface of knowledge might be smooth and polished with well-known facts, or it can be rough and unexplored with undiscovered realities.

Client: ESAP - School of Arts of Porto



Address ︎︎︎ Rua José Falcão, 156 Sala 3, 4050-035 Porto, Portugal
Odisseu is Luís Sousa Teixeira
We are creatures of the wind
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Address ︎︎︎ Rua José Falcão, 156 Sala 3, 4050-035 Porto, Portugal